Update 21.11.14

Update 21.11.14
- After finishing all previous events with Mike for the rebellion in Dorgania, or Sinrul to help the government, you can now trigger a new event with rebels when you enter Minsk Harbour from the worldmap.
The event will advance the story about the rebellion, and give you a quest at the end, which can't be finished yet.
- After the events with the rebels at Minsk Harbour, if you've advanced the main story far enough, you can find Negi near the entrance of Minsk Harbour. He'll start events about Lucilla, with an optional CG scene.
- New anubis character sprite images
- [After her class change to Berserker, Vampire can now use whip class weapons.]
- Added the notes [Good path] and [Evil path] to the choices for Irinlia after her events at Millwater, to make it clearer, which choice gets you on which path.
- Updated the skilltree background images for Ryen, Trey, and Brad, so that they show the full body CGs now instead of the face images of the characters.
- Added Honey as possible drops from hornet monsters. [I know that it would make more sense with Bees, but I only have hornet monsters at the moment.]
- Added the item Mead, which can be crafted with Red Wine and Honey when you have the Green Cooking Book.
Mead can be consumed to recover 30% MP of all party members during and outside of battles, but has a 50% chance to make the targets tipsy.
- Added the item "Hellhound dungeon map" to the area in front of the hellhound village, to make finding the entrance/exit easier.
- The menu isn't disabled anymore when you enter the dungeon before the hellhound village.
- The chief of Ebron will now auto trigger his events about showing you the way to Ebron when you enter the blacksmith in Aldlyn with Mirel in your group. He'll also bring you directly to Ebron, without waiting for you in the corner of Aldlyn first.
The fourth poll for the new baker girl is also available now: https://strawpoll.com/q43ykoh56
Result of the previous polls: She'll be a normal girl of average height with big breasts.
Get Renryuu: Ascension
Renryuu: Ascension
Hentai RPG Maker game
Status | In development |
Publisher | |
Author | RyenSaotome |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Erotic, Fantasy, harem, Hentai, Monster Girls, Open World, Romance, RPG Maker, Story Rich, Turn-Based Combat |
Languages | English |
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- Update 24.11.28Nov 28, 2024
- Update 24.11.15Nov 15, 2024
- Update 24.10.23Oct 23, 2024
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Im just curious, i stopped playing at the point in time where the campaign wasnt complete, but youd just found the main characters brother and discovered his part in the whole plot, has any update since then expanded the campaign or is that still incomplete?
Just found out this is on steam and I'm so happy, no longer do I need to replace files each update on my own :P
Wanna play the game, But the Mac version does not open at all.
Do you get an error message?
Did you unpack the game from the zip?
Is the game on a write-protected (="read-only") location? ON a usb-stick?
When I click to start it up a pop up says I don't have permission, whatever the hell that means
I think it means that the current user doesn't have the permission to excecute that programm (in that specific location ). You could try to move the game somewhere else, or check if you can change the folder settings, or permissions of the game.
Something that helped someone else with a problem on mac was to download the unarchiver app on the mac app store, and use that to unpack the .zip instead of other programs.
I changed the permissions to read & write on the game but it still says I don't have permission. which is funny because I'm the only one that uses this laptop.
been playing awhile and finally got money to donate.here is $15 USD.Tbh i kinda forget this is a "porn game" with how well everything is written
Thank you very much! <3
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Since Central will annex Dorgania in future update, any plans for Begus and Amagal? Since the Princess of Begus asked Ryen to impregnate her, there could be a certainty she will give up the royalty to Central or just marry Ryen.
This is a messy situation. Annexing another country without going to war (as you propose for Begus) is extremely difficult because each country has its own unique institutions that run the country. Those institutions don't disappear just because Ryen becomes king, and they are very difficult to replace. Unique peoples have their own preferred ways of doing things, and the people who hold power in a country will resist having it taken from them. Sometimes compromises can be reached, but usually not much further than values align. So Ryen would have two options: he can either leave those institutions intact and just rule two kingdoms essentially separately, while slowly pushing reforms and uniting those institutions over several hundred years, or he can violently suppress and replace those institutions. In Dorgania, Ryen will be pursuing the latter policy, and this will be relatively easy because the revolution is going to destroy much of that country's powerful oligarchy, at which point he can simply sweep in and install Central's institutions with nobody strong enough to resist him.
After Dorgania, Amagal would probably be the easiest to integrate; since Amagalites mostly care about studying magic, as long as Ryen left the universities intact, he could probably do just about whatever he wanted, especially if he fixed the famine and other economic problems, which would buy him a great deal of goodwill. The hard part is actually taking over. Varea, the Earl, and the King are all strong-willed; regardless of who is in power, they would need to be deposed, which can probably only be done in a war. This war would be relatively easy: Amagal has a very large army for its size because many who couldn't make it on their own have joined it, but these people don't really want to be soldiers, are demoralized, and would not resist an invasion particularly fiercely. Still, war is costly under any circumstances, and it would be a lot of effort to expend on such a small, poor country, especially when Ryen can depend on Varea to be generally cooperative anyway. This is especially true because Varea doesn't appear to have any particular administrative savvy and neither does anyone else in Amagal, so she might need the help of Ryen's advisors and resources to get anything done, especially until the country gets back on its feet, and that could provide him the leverage he wants anyway. Of course, none of that doesn't stop him from invading for the sake of glorious conquest, but with the Titans bound to appear at any moment, it might be wise not to bother.
Begus would actually be really difficult to unite or integrate peacefully. Jeanne would not cease to be the queen of Begus simply because she married Ryen. Legally, she is still the monarch. Of course, Jeanne is a weak, naive ruler, and if Ryen wanted to just dictate policy to her, he probably could. (This is actually the scenario I believe is most probable.) The problem is that Begus has a powerful church that would fiercely oppose Ryen, who has publicly and repeatedly claimed to be an atheist whose primary concern regarding the church is that it not be politically powerful enough to oppose him. You think the church stonewalls Jeanne's every move, just wait until they are faced with an actual ideological enemy. I imagine they wouldn't even tolerate him marrying Jeanne in the first place and instead try to depose her. Without weakening the Church considerably, Ryen probably has no diplomatic way of influencing Jeanne much more directly than he already does (e.g., via closed-door meetings with her). And destroying a church violently is nigh-impossible while that religion continues to enjoy popular support, so that's not an option either.
1. when i use worilla ability, she can still move like in the picture (but you can't move if you tap other vanguard after use her ability)
2. it reset some vanguard position when i enter cg room when battling, and strangely there's like invisible wall appear blocking the path after it (i assume bcs the game still think there's an vanguard at that position before it reset the position)
is whip class weapon for vampire still under develop? i can't find any of those in this version, also i see some improved version of equip like "setsuna+" and "enhanced old bow", also "excalibro" which is a hillarious name for excalibur lol (i can get those from cheats that available from joiplay), is it already available to get, or for future plan version?
Vampire's class was changed to allow her to use whip weapons, but no such weapons are in the game yet. The christmas update will include a legendary whip weapon.
Setsuna+ and Excalibro are both indirectly available at the Spire of Courage raid area.
The enhanced old bow is part of Mirel's events in Orchel.
ohh, i thought excalibro was the combined part of broken blade of legends, how to trigger that events for enhanced bow? i already clear quest "about racism" and "orchel trading route", also her old bow has been fixed by seldanna, but i can't trigger anymore events in orchel (talk to all villagers and mirel herself) do i miss something? in the current walkthrough, mirel events stop at seldanna fixing her old bow, anyway love your work ryen, can't wait to see the next update, good luck with your project <3
That's why I said "indirectly". You need the broken blade of legends, but you turn it into excalibro in the raid area of the Spire.
You get the "Enhanced Old Bow" from Seldanna when you repair Mirel's "Old Bow" and she is a druid. If Mirel is a Sniper, she gets the "Repaired Old Bow" instead. This way the bow you get will always fit to the class and the role she has in the party.
ohh i see, i will try those as well, thank you for the info
after downloading update files when i try to load my saves it says failed to load character/red chair.png
Did you skip an update? The "update files" are only from the previous version to the newest. If you use it for an older version, it'll give you such errors for missing files.
im playing 21.10.10
The newest update files are from version 21.10.30 to version 21.11.14 only. If you apply them on version 21.10.10, then you'll be missing every file that was added or changed between 21.10.10 and 21.10.30. (The version number is in year-month-day format).
Either you download the full game version and copy your save files from the old folder to the same location in the new game folder, or you use the MEGA link where I have a folder called "Old update files". You can download the update file for version 21.10.10 to 21.10.30 there, and then apply the newest update files on the 21.10.30 version.
i just downloaded the whole thing
Hi again .i have suggest:can you do some story for a warrior slave red hair and blue eys .true she is a princecc under sea world but his sister want be queen so she hire some assassins to kidnape princecc and give him to slave trader to bring him to far away land.well this is my suggest for a hero girl. hope you liked ohh and tsunder she's.
hello dud. can you do some cheat or code to change good path or bad path. i want cahge path but my save is over saved .please do.,and please make more CG for vampire and long story for the cute and awesome person like him thanks you for the nomber1 RPG game world