Update 21.12.18

Update 21.12.18
- Added "University" and "Archery range" construction projects to the overview map.
- The invitation to the Spire of Courage challenge floor now appears on the Aldlyn city board after finishing the advanced floor in the Spire, regardless of whether or not you encountered Hellhound in it.
- I created a new screen for the command center building, with the status of your army and some new options to improve your forces. It can be accessed from the overview map.
The events on this screen for the fortification of your borders and for the intel on other countries don't exist yet.
- The "declare war" option in the dialog with Theremis was changed to "prepare for war" and can be triggered now. This has no effect for Amagal and Begus yet. For Dorgania it'll unlock a spy mission with Kurohime. (also requires the event with Lady Akira to be advanced)
- 8 new squad leaders. You get hints in the command center for where you can recruit the new squad leaders.
- New event with Mai and Dea. After talking with the baker girl Nina at the bakery in Central (which you can build on the overview map), the scene starts automatically when you walk out of the bakery. (Requires that you had Dea's first sex scene, and that Mai is on her good path)
This scene will also unlock the christmas special area. If Mai is on her bad path for you, you can't unlock the scene at the bakery. Instead, you can replay the scene via the CG room if her bad path is far enough, and unlock the christmas area that way.
- For the christmas special, several new dungeons, riddles, special battles, items and legendary equipment were added to the game.
A special feature in the christmas area is a slot machine system, where you can get a bunch of different rewards in return for tokens.
- A new vanguard bonus battle was added. It's random which of the two bonus battles you get when you start the mission.
The new map has the special feature that as long as a certain enemy mage squad is alive, a random vangaurd squad takes 5 damage at the start of the turn from long range fire magic.
- New CG scene with Kurohime available on the overview map (in the forest east of Aldlyn) after recruiting her as a squad leader.
Small changes:
- After talking with Flaire for the first time at the thieves guild hideout, the hidden stair in the storage in Thremten will have the dialog option to bring you directly to the hideout, instead of forcing you to walk through the sewer area again.
- You don't receive hammer and scythe items anymore during Kayelinth's secret garden events, to avoid filling your inventory with unnecessary stuff. Both can be sold for 20,000 gold now, so that you can get rid of them in save files where you already obtained them.
- I greatly reduced the insignia costs of items in the special shop of the Spire of Courage.
- Slightly changed to inside of the castle in Manastyr, to make the entrances to some doors at the bottom of the hallway more obvious, since people sometimes missed the entrance to Varea's room.
- Fixed the spelling mistake of "relationships" in the skilltrees.
- The new item "Love Letter" gives +10 relationship, without limitation.
Get Renryuu: Ascension
Renryuu: Ascension
Hentai RPG Maker game
Status | In development |
Publisher | |
Author | RyenSaotome |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Erotic, Fantasy, harem, Hentai, Monster Girls, Open World, Romance, RPG Maker, Story Rich, Turn-Based Combat |
Languages | English |
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I was originally playing the android port and got stuck with being unable to advance Chiyo's story line even though I reasonably believe I cleared all previously required flags my only interaction available now is the massage scene after kayelinth's scene in the river. Has this issue been cleared up in the updates or if I get the PC version would I be able to continue as normal?
The requirements for events are the same, regardless of what system you play on.
I'm not aware of a problem in Chiyo's events. Maybe your relationship wasn't high enough, if you had all other requirements? Did you check the walkthrough for the requirements?
well this was about 2 or 3 updates ago and I've looked at various guides prior to it, I've captured lace, i've been to the mines, freed the king, met chiyo's sister and completed those quests and only have 3 quests active at this time the new slave quest line that had only recently been put out (again this was a couple of updates ago), Gambling(didnt want to waste the time RNGing a win), and the final quest which isnt implemented yet, last chance. I can go back thru the walkthroughs and check but I thought you had commented previously on a different thread or forum that Chiyo's quest line flag was damaged in that update hence why I was asking.
Is there a good path for Flaire ?
There is not.
There is a choice that lets you go on her good or bad path, but only her bad path has a CG scene yet.
The good path CG scene will get added later.
Caution: You can't change the choice you made for her path later.
Hello developer, i want to report several bugs.
1. Quest to spy Dorgania isn't working properly, even i already ask Theremis to prepare war, i try again but he said "we already prepare the war please wait several days" or something like that.
2. Dialog about construction arena finished appear even i already build arena and causing more upkeep.
3. At new battlefield the vanguard leaders can walk through forest but i forgot to take screenshot.
4. And this is just small problem, when i choose horse to Phyrra, her name changed Kurohime
1. Did you advance the events with Grey far enough to make "him" meet Lady Akira yet? The spy mission should appear on the overview map at Luolambo when you have all requirements.
2. Fixed.
3. Maybe a bug with Leneth's flying movement? Did you use her in the battle? Does the issue still appear when you re-start the battle completely?
4. Fixed.
Thank you for your help, i didn't notice small icon at Lualombo. And about new battlefield, sorry i mean "a tree" not forest. Here take a look walking route General Alcena and Owen

Fixed it. Thanks.
Sorry to bother you again, i just found another bug, Mia first skill "Natural Strenght" increase her attack but set her HP to 10, no matter how much HP she have, it always end with 10 HP.
I have a little question. I have now 7 of the 8 squad leaders but now Gunther says he hasn't found a suitable one for the 8th squad leader and in the update it says Kurohime will become one. So I want to ask if this is a bug or if there are special conditions for Kurohime.
You need to tell Theremis to prepare a war against Dorgania, and that the events with Grey and Lady Akira are advanced far enough. Once you have everything, a spy mission with Kurohime will become available at Luolambo in Dorgania.
The Virgin FNAF security breach Beta release vs The Chad Renryuu Ascension Christmas update.
My day has been made.
Hi! I have a problem - i saw kurohime event icon, at first, BEFORE i can even recruit her. But when i recruit other leader - icon disappeared and kurohime says nothing new, such as guy in command center. I recruit 7 of 8 and thats all. Is something wrong?
Seems to be a bug. I'll check it.