About update 23.03.25
I saw quite a few negative comments about the new overview map system, and wanted to let you know that your feedback will not be ignored. I understand that the system became too complex and was probably too much for a playerbase and a game that doesn't focus on this kind of content. I won't "throw it all away" immedialtey, just because it didn't turn out to be a fan favorite, but I'll try to improve the system based on your feedback, to make it more fun.
The issue about Reputation, Faith, and other variables decreasing too fast can be fixed very easily. Currently I'm thinking about changing it to decrease by 2 every 5 minutes, instead of minus ~2,5 every 2,5 minutes. (Or maybe even lower would be better?)
I'm also considering to increase the reputation you get from request from 20 to 30 for easy requests, and from 30 to 50 for medium requests.
This way, you'd have much more time between visits to the overview map, and it doesn't become a constant chore. Which it wasn't supposed to be, but it turned out that way because the timers and productions aren't perfectly balanced yet.
I'm trying to find ways to improve the production of goods as well, but I'm not sure what the best solution is yet. Here are a few things I consider:
- The production speed can be increased to make productions less time intensive.
- While I don't think the individual storage limit should be removed, maybe the total max storage limit was overkill, and causes more frustration than it's worth.
- When a building is blocked due to the production of a resource at the individual storage limit, there should be an option to change the production, so that players don't have to bother to go to the storage screen and delete that one resource manually.
- I could make a few productions less complex, by removing some of the required materials.
- In some cases, it would be possible to change the production in such a way that it doesn't consume the required resource for it anymore. For example, instead of pickaxes disappearing when you mine a metal with them, it could become a requirement to have X pickaxes of that type. This would mean you only have to get the requirements once, and then you can always produce that resource without having to repeat the previous steps all the time.
In a similar way, I could change explorations so that they don't "consume" the soldiers anymore, but only require them.
These changes would reduce the amount of things you need to produce more than once.
An option to "pay someone" to automatically gather resources for you, or similar, don't sound like good solutions for the system to me.
A bulk production of resources was mentioned, however it's unlikely to get added. But I'll keep it in mind, while thinking about what I can do to improve the new system.
Were the battle skills not worth the effort because they're not powerful enough with the reputation bonus, and I should make them stronger, or will they be good enough once the work to increase reputation is reduced significantly?
I also received a few bug reports, with issues about false productions, a broken max storage amount, wrong units beind trained, and more. All problems are noted and will be checked and fixed.
Thanks to everyone who reports issues and gives me feedback for the new system, so that I can improve it.
Get Renryuu: Ascension
Renryuu: Ascension
Hentai RPG Maker game
Status | In development |
Publisher | |
Author | RyenSaotome |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Erotic, Fantasy, harem, Hentai, Monster Girls, Open World, Romance, RPG Maker, Story Rich, Turn-Based Combat |
Languages | English |
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- Android version 24.12.2197 days ago
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- Update 24.11.28Nov 28, 2024
- Update 24.11.15Nov 15, 2024
- Update 24.10.23Oct 23, 2024
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Hey. Big fan of the game... BUT... I do have a few thoughts.
The new system makes very little sense from the standpoint of being king over a growing nation with what should be an expanding populace.
If you want the system to make sense as a ruler, consider this:
A finance minister (the taxes guy) who you discuss the budget and taxes with - you had that perfect already, just add that he handles the trade and resources, perhaps forwarding requests and decisions if you haven't directly answered them from the overland travel map yet. The "overview map" guy - make him minister or Public Works, and handle workers and building projects, and your Lab guy is your Minister or Research, keeping track of the latest experiments./. Ryen, as king, could decide what to budget for and how often, what to produce locally versus trading with neighbors, and where to build new improvements. You had a lot of that right the first time around, and it mostly worked pretty well. But businesses and nationalized resource gathering backed by the crown should never directly sully a ruler's hands aside from rubber stamping his approval of their requests and vetoing or recommending their actions.
Resources should just go up or down based on those decisions, and how you respond to disasters or the aftereffects of missions, and attacks or thefts by enemies, bandits, or disasters like fires, floods, and weather. THAT would be a much more natural solution, and would leave Ryen free to adventure MOST of the time, but what you could do is have disasters or places needing Ryen's input show up on the travel map. And if he does not respond in time, the kingdom loses resources, or a building needs to be rebuilt at extra cost because it burned down, or a farm flooded or froze in a spring cold snap, etc. You'd just have a timer check for whether a random event should occur, and have a table of positive and negative events, and locations they can occur. Positive events would boost prodcution for a time or bring a windfall of gold, while negative events could reduce production, devastate the stored amounts in stock, reduce currency from theft or require Ryen to personally go to or sent the army to stop the bandits, recover from disaster, fight fires, etc. within a certain time or lose more, or lose the producer and require the rebuild. Much more sane to keep up with and makes much more sense as the ruler of a nation. Just an opinion, but I think it's a better overall solution.
Just my thoughts on it... Thanks again for all your hard work on a great game.
-Drake Steele.
P.S.: The storage issues really are awfully severe. There really should be no limit to storage, except that the cost of building more buildings, or digging cellars out to store it would keep going up, and resources like food would slowly rot if you kept more than could be consumed or traded for too long, and just be more to worry about losing in thefts or disasters... and then all that storage y'ou paid for to be built lies empty, costing more maintenance per round for nothing til you can refill it... another consequence for the player of letting it collect too long.
Another option could be to make every quest that shows up on the city board a way to gain reputation
In response to post!
1) For the timers the real question is how often do you want players to check in with the kingdom? Assuming 1-2 hrs is roughly the edge point, you probably want to increase generation per tick (or have it stock up over time), and then have the timers be a decrease every 10 mins or so.
2) Production speed needs to be automated and in the back ground, link it to something akin to what the gold every x amount of time was previously. The cap per resource is fine, but many intermediaries should be removed, unless the base resources are going to automatically convert as they did in the previous turn based iteration. Any researches or requirements to the final product can have longer timers if needed, but intermediaries are silly and are extra micromanagement no one want to deal with in a rpg focused game.
3) Re-iterating, the max storage limit is definitely over kill.
4) see 3
5) See 2. The intermediate products really have no purpose here unless they are automated- even in a game about making products and selling them (offworld trading company!), there are few-no intermediaries. It's all raw resources-> product.
6) That check would be a good idea I think, increase the base resource cost to do the research/make the product, and then once it's been made at least once, set off a flag confirming the item is there and no longer need to make it.
Battle system skills: Given that the game and combat was clearable prior to these battle system skills being added, it's hard to say what would be needed to make reputation valuable. That said, I haven't tried these at all yet given that the initial attempt of trying to get kingdom building to work went... poorly, so I can't give accurate feed back here.
One thing I can suggest is either increasing the storage more, or getting rid of the maximum limit, at least for overall storage. Also, I prefer the old UI where I could see all my resources without having to go into a menu or submenus of that menu.
when you put a maximum limit on how many things you can have at a time, but then make the player go into multiple menus just to look at what they can get rid of, or how much they have and need more of, it gets annoying.
My only complaint about the system currently is that I seem to have found a bug with capturing Lind so I can progress that plotline. I've defeated every single battle on the overview map, even on the highest difficulties, several times over. But, she never appears in the prison like she's supposed to. My current theory is that maybe the sequence I did things in caused a bug? But, I can't recall what the sequence this time around was, so I can't speculate as to what two events may have conflicted.
As far as the overview map, my strongest suggestion would be to scale up quantities and production, that way you aren't trying to keep everything so tight with regards to timescale. For example, we can sell 15 furniture and 25 jewelry to begus, but it takes half a dozen turns to produce that much, making it much less worthwhile, especially with you repeatedly having to check the exports at your port every turn in order to not miss out on those profits. If you increased the scaling of those values, you would be able to adjust things more easily, to achieve a proper equilibrium between not making it tedious but also making it fulfilling.
I'm also having difficulty finding the auto battle function. I have an overabundance of troops to spend for it (I might never have to manually battle again, at this point.) but, I can't locate the option toggle. Wherever it is, it's really obscure, because I've checked everywhere I can think of, from the main options menu, to every single overview map menu. Unless there's a criteria to unlock it, that I'm simply lacking, I can't get it to turn on.
But, I do want to say that it's a cool idea conceptually. I think that, had the game been designed with it as a planned feature from the beginning, it could have been even better. But, personally I have to say that it does feel a bit out of place in the current game style. Considering the limitations of the software you're using, you've done an absolutely phenomenal job making a very unique system and integrating it with the other game elements. But, it definitely feels more like a standalone game, rather than a part of Renryuu ascension. The setting is the only thing the two halves really share. I mean, yeah. The vanguard commanders appear as NPCs in the other half. But, they aren't particularly captivating, and once you make them commanders, they basically have no more role to play in the roleplaying side of things. They really just exist to be vanguards and that's it.
Honestly i think the issue with the change to the overworld is mostly with us that already had the old one pretty much completed, if it was gradual additions throughout the game it would have been fine. But having most of what was done disappear and add multiple new features all at once was a little overwhelming. Once i figured it out it wasn't so bad but the initial impression was like looking at a cars wiring harness and trying to put it together
Eh, I'm someone who likes watching numbrs grow (stellaris, ck 3, offworld trading company), and even I think there's a bit much micromanagement in its current iteration- it would be fine if we weren't locked into the rpg maker interface I think, but as it is..
Being able to make multiple items would smooth it out, currently it's definitely needing complete micromanagement
my only compliant about the fights is that i didn't get any budget
I love the game and I usually like doing this sort of stuff but it sounds like it would make me rush through everything to get back to the map. I'll wait a bit to update and keep playing as is. By the way I don't know if this counts as a bug or if I should put this somewhere else but I'm having trouble getting the first sex scene from Mira and I can't get anything from Alea after just freeing her and bringing her to the castle.
You can check the walkthrough or the wiki at https://renryuu.miraheze.org/wiki/Mira to see what you're missing for Mira.