Bugfix update 24.06.03

- Fixed a problem with the country management map entry after using the war map. Either by going into the time skip test and back out, or by using the "teleport bug fix" option in the menu of the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom, the issue can get fixed in saves that already have the problem before this change was made.

- A blue-! icon for characters at Havaria Port now shows where you can use a ship for travel.

- Bonus battle 3 showed the old UI when reaching the time limit. This is fixed now.


Renryuu Ascension 24.06.03 [Windows Version].zip 1.6 GB
96 days ago
Renryuu Ascension 24.06.03 [Android Version].apk 1.5 GB
96 days ago
Renryuu Ascension 24.06.03 [Linux Version].zip 1.7 GB
96 days ago
Renryuu Ascension 24.06.03 [MacOS Version].zip 1.8 GB
96 days ago
Renryuu Ascension 24.06.03 - Update files for version 24.05.06 or later only!.zip 14 MB
96 days ago

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never mind i acctualy made it work sometimes my genius scares me

hi i have a question how to make the game work on joiplay? i dont play games that much only when i am bored and i am sure that by the time i am half finished an update will drop and this will make ot problematic as i dont like to miss content so how do i make ot work i downloaded the PC version but joiplay tell me its not supported or sth what should i do?

(1 edit)

@RyenSaotome I have a question, if I may. I'm going through the CG Scenes and noticed there's a Grey wedding scene but can't find information about how to access it. Is it prehaps set as a future update event and the silhouette and cg scene are just placeholders until they're implemented? Also, I sided with government for the rebellion but can't get a second quest to trigger via Sinrul, she repeats the same line of dialogue constantly. The dialogue in question goes as follows: "I'm very satisfied with how things are going, my group is growing nicely in influence and power" I sided with her and did the quest that followed, talking to mike, got the info, warned Sinrul, Awaited her return. But no bar scene has followed. How might I trigger this? Or was I supposed to side with the rebels to achieve that CG scene? 

Kind regards, An avid player of your game RenRyuu Ascension. 

The event for Grey happens in the test system for the "time skip" which allows you to preview the content that is done so far for this part of the game.
For the next step of Sinrul's event, you're probably missing an event in Minsk Harbour, which triggers when you enter the harbour from the worldmap (not by ship). Her scene is obtainable on both routes, government and rebels.

Thanks very much for the confirmation. I'm kind of a completionist so not being able to achieve it in the normal current update kinda threw me for a loop. That being said, I'm super stoked for all the future events and additions you'll implement. And I wanna say kudos for sticking it out as long as you have, I'm sure it's kind of mentally straining/Draining having to constantly code, update, implement new features and whatnot especially with some of the more aggressive or non-compliant and impatient playerbase. So I really appreciate all the effort you're putting in and all the details you add here and there. I've seen posts on google going back to like 2014 maybe further so you've been adding to the game over a decade and that's rare for a developer. So, truly, thank you for all you're hard work. Just try not to burn yourself out, and remember to take a break here and there. :D 

Hello, I have been enjoying the game for a while now, but do have a question: are the army buffs (from the !-marks on the map after certain battles) properly working? I normally use my vanguards to do the fighting, but I have noticed that my army's strength is still 92 (I do not recall seeing it increase). Are the buffs simply not displaying correctly? Regardless, other than that, I have been enjoying the game for a while now!

I think it works as intended, but I'll take another look at it. Thanks.


noice, gotta go update this on steam, doing it manually is satisfying

That's for sure lmao