Update 24.08.27

Update 24.08.27 changes:

- The main story now advances when you talk with Varea in Manastyr or the sleeping chambers.
It'll give you the connection from the present time to the time skip area, which isn't fully done yet, but has some new content.
- New dialog in act 1 with the vanguard forces.
- New dialog in act 1 with Flaire near Thremten (when she is on her good route)
- New dialog in act 1 with the Orchel elves after the racism quest is done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Sparky near The Black Twin Towers of Honor when you finished her riddle and brawl battle with Brad.
- New dialog in act 1 with Demoness at the Spire of Courage when you finished her events with Naevy.
- New dialog in act 1 with the raiders at the Spire of Courage when you defeated the fire raid at least once.
- New dialog in act 1 with Libelle in Aldlyn when you have her CG scene done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Aiyana in the forest south of Red Keep (if you returned Eagle and had the scene with Flora)
- New dialog in act 1 with Mozaik and Pandora at Tabsy's big farm. Requires their previous events.
- New dialog in act 1 with Cassedy in Witton after finishing the good or bad route with the Luminous Order.
- New dialog in act 1 with Ziki at Ironholm Prison when the events with her and Shanna are done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Lucilla in the forest in the north of Dorgania, west of Havaria Port. This dialog will unlock a new event in the same spot in act 2.

In the new area in act 2, Thiro's dungeon, you can currently do 5 challenges with:
- The original 6 vanguard leaders.
- Sparky. (After the challenge of Sparky is done, talk with her again for a CG scene.)
- Lady Akira, Kurohime, and Citrinne.
- Shanna, Naomi, and Ziki.
- Jackie, Lexi, Jenny, and Flaire when she is on her good route.
[Once all challenges are done, you can get a battle and CG scene with Thiro.]

- A new accessory was added, which gives the character who equips it triple experience from battles. (Experience gained from events or quests is not affected.)
You can get one on the first map of the easy dungeon in the Spire of Courage, and Aiyana can give you three more in act 1 of the time skip events. For Aiyana's dialog to appear in act 1, you need to be on her good path and finish her scene with Flora first.

- The lore about races in Ellanore's dialog was changed, and a few images were added to show and explain the new categories and the life spans of the different races better.

- Fixed a problem with Alcena's squad's ability to attack twice per turn.
- Fixed a bug with Akai's "Steam Gun" quest, which prevented the quest to finish and advance properly sometimes. If you encountered the bug, going back into Akai's workshop will automatically fix the issue and set the quest to complete when entering the building through the door.

 Planned for the next update:
- A new character for the brothel.
- Act 1 event to get the support of the Thanka oni family and hellhound village.
- An event with full body CGs for the farmers Amara and Tabsy, which might also include some goblins.


Renryuu Ascension 24.08.27 [Windows Version].zip 1.7 GB
Aug 27, 2024
Renryuu Ascension 24.08.27 [Android Version].apk 1.5 GB
Aug 27, 2024
Renryuu Ascension 24.08.27 [Linux Version].zip 1.7 GB
Aug 27, 2024
Renryuu Ascension 24.08.27 [MacOS Version].zip 1.8 GB
Aug 27, 2024
Renryuu Ascension - Walkthrough 24.08.27.pdf 14 MB
Aug 27, 2024
Renryuu Ascension 24.08.27 - Update files for version 24.08.09 or later only!.zip 10 MB
Aug 27, 2024

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Hello, where is Thiro's Dungeon?

It's available in act 2 of the time skip phase, after you had the events with Lucilla in act 1.

"New dialog in act 1 with Lucilla in the forest in the north of Dorgania, west of Havaria Port. This dialog will unlock a new event in the same spot in act 2."

(1 edit)

I'm in Act3? Before quest "last chance". 

Yesterday I also discover an error in quest "Underground Fort" . When You speak with Adrianna before You speak Thalgrin in basement, and then You speak with him, You will stuck in quest. He will only tell you "Thank for your help" and quest status is still "Speak with Chieftain ..."

Sorry for bother you, but I had 2 events with Lucilla, and I cannot find this forest in North of Dorgania. Below is my map of this area:

Thank you for the update! Keep up the amazing work!

hello my discord got banned because someone hacked my account can i get a ban appeal?

i got my discord account back now but cant join your server.

I lifted your ban. Welcome back.

ah thank  you and sorry about that.

Hello, can I ask a question? How do I trigger the quest on Ellanore after moving her from Ebron to the sleeping chamber in the castle? I cannot trigger the quest after talking to her in the castle, and I cannot see Rhetos in front of the clinic in Aldyn

Apparently, I broke Ellanore's event with the recent change of her dialog.

Unless you're on android, which can't get fixed without a full new update, you can unpack and replace this map file in the www/data folder of the game to fix her dialog: https://mega.nz/file/qwBBVALB#hwwVX6vyJAo2i1F2bMNHkwAAgXtmORgu2WAFIR4HR70

After applying the fix, talk with her at the sleeping chambers again, and then Rhetos should appear in front of the clinic.

Sorry for the troubles.

Thank you for your reply, but can I have say another problem I found after finishing the main quest? I had the last quest to use the sparkling book found in the bedroom, but I cannot use the time phase, and I found another problem: I cannot trigger the kippy event after seeing her on Lalizan and Kagabanui and finishing the puzzle on Black Lair. Did I miss some parts?

(1 edit)

the time phase is over here

Thank's i see it now

Deleted 181 days ago

hello i'm sorry i want to ask something again was there a way to get level 200 faster cause it take longer i try to fight chastity but the level just go up a little how many times did i need to fight chastity to get to level 200

There is no other content for level 100+ yet, so there isn't really a need at the moment to grind higher. Once more story and quests are added, the levels will increase naturally while you play the content.

oh ok then

can someone tell me how to solve this puzzle i try everything literally but it always touch the same tile was there a guide or something cause i can't find it i really like puzzle but sometime when it hard i try to find guide i still would try to solve it without guide but this man  i so confuse i don't know what to do

There are several ways to solve the riddle, but I think the simplest way is to make a big circle.

ok thank you 

So far I only noticed one text error, while looking for the thunderspirit one of the villagers says "in a quite room full of people studying..." and I'm pretty sure you meant quiet.

That's the only one I noticed though and it's not that big of a deal.
